It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the community of Poly-Grames. We would like to facilitate your integration among your colleagues and staff members. A healthy and collegial work atmosphere helps communication and in the end helps you to persevere in your studies. That is why we invite you to learn about the regulations and code of conduct of our research centre.
To act with respect is:
• Adopt a courteous and polite attitude;
• Show openness to others and empathy;
• Avoid any form of denigration, discrimination, harassment or violence;
• Seek compromise in the event of conflict.
To act collaboratively is:
• Help each other with colleagues and promote exchanges;
• Share ideas and knowledge;
• Recognize the quality of the work of others;
• Maintain a friendly and stimulating workplace;
• Respect the working hours of each person.
Acting professionally is:
• Exercise rigour and diligence in the performance of their duties;
• Engaging in departmental and University mission;
• Respect the confidentiality of information;
• Take responsibility for its workload by assuming the tasks associated with it;
• Comply with all current regulations at Polytechnique Montréal.
To act with probity is:
• Demonstrate objectivity and impartiality;
• Do not use its function to derive undue personal benefits;
• Declare any conflict of interest and manage it rigorously.
Those rules are from the code of conduct of the electrical engineering department.
Offices rules:
- Having an Office is an advantage and not an acquired right.
- You have to keep your offices clean.
- Do not open the doors of offices to people not allowed to access them.
- It is forbidden to eat hot meals in the common offices.
- It is forbidden to block Office Windows with papers or some object whatsoever. (except for professors)
- At the end of your research project among us, please leave your Office free and clean.
- The offices with “outside view windows” are prioritized to peoples with the most seniority.
Laboratories rules:
- Do not open the doors of laboratories to people not allowed to access them and never block them open.
- It is forbidden to eat and drink in the laboratories
- Calibrations kits for network analyzer are available any time, but components of cal kit should be only used for calibration.
- Adaptors and components from lab. M-6302, M-6305 and M-6507 should stay in those labs.
- Never bring adaptor, cable, equipment in your office
- Take special care when you use a SMA to see if it is in good condition.
- If equipment needs to be moved to another laboratory for measurement, you should indicate on the board name, date and place where it is moved.
- For new students if you need any training on instruments please contact David Dousset, Jules Gauthier
- For students who use the soldering iron please clean the table after using.
- Take special care for the network analyzer cable never bends them too much.
- Use the torque wrench on the correct way for SMA, K and V connectors or the small key.
- If you see something strange in the laboratory pleases advice technical staff.
- The access to computer resources is a privilege.
- The right to private life does not apply to my workstation.
- You must respect the law and professional ethics in my use of computer resources.
- It is forbidden to install software or to add/remove hardware without the approval of the system administrator on computers.
- Excessive use of resources is prohibited.
- Do not keep software open to keep license.
For additional detail, please read: “Regulation on the use and management of computer resources of Polytechnique“.
Members of Poly-Grames have access to a dining room. Our civic spirit will allow us to use it in favorable conditions in order to be able to spend quality rest time.
- Don’t speak loudly so you don’t disturb people in offices near the kitchen.
- The fridge is used to store the food of the day, it is not the extension of your fridge at home, so avoid using it to keep the food that does not fit in your fridge.
- To avoid contamination, discard the food that shows signs of depreciation, otherwise we will be obliged to do so, bowls and packaging included.
- Do not put lunch bags in the fridge, they have been dragged on the ground, take up space and risk contaminating the fridge.
- If a mess has occurred, you are kindly requested to clean it.
- Keeping the tables and chairs in clean condition is a gesture so appreciated by all, it is not a pleasure to clean up puddles of liquid and leftover food after the others.
- Don’t throw the food and the leaves in the sink, it may get clogged and do some damage. It is very easy to wipe the containers with paper before washing them.
- Cover any food dish before putting it in the microwave.
- If damage occurs, you should clean it and wash the turntable.
- If, by chance, the breaker has been activated because of an overload, you are kindly asked to warn technicians as soon as possible because the fridge is on the same circuit.
- If you buy your meal at the cafeteria, you must return the cabarets to the same place.
- In order to create a relaxing atmosphere in the dining room, try to respect other users by speaking less loudly, and avoiding the physiological noises.
- Respect the posters of classification of waste, in doubt, throw to the trash.